All About Vegetarian Catering For Weddings and Other Celebrations

Asian food has taken the culinary world by storm since the past decade. Among others, Indian cuisine particularly stands out for its spice content. Those who have sampled Indian food have commented upon its spice comment and the delicious taste that it brings with it. Contrary to popular belief, Indian food is not only about high protein food products like chicken and meat but also includes a sizeable vegetarian fare. Indian caterers often offer a selection of sumptuous vegetarian dishes belonging to different quarters of the country.

Indian vegetarian food includes not only motley of vegetables but also pulses like chick peas, lentils, kidney beans and paneer or cottage cheese. Different kinds of spice mixes are used to create delicacies out of them that are also light on the stomach. These food stuffs can be consumed by vegans also as they are devoid of dairy too. Not only does every cuisine in India include numerous vegetarian dishes, but special cuisines like Rajasthani, Jain and Gujarati food are predominantly vegetarian. Vegetarian caterers offer a selection of dishes belonging to these cuisines on different occasions.

Much like everything else, vegetarian food in India has certain religious bearings to them. On numerous festivals, vegetarian food is prepared without garlic and onion. For such meals, it is important to get the spice and condiment mixes correct to ensure the tastiness of the delicacies. Providers of vegetarian catering have to bear these restrictions in mind while preparing dishes for celebratory occasions.

Asian catering London catering can be hired quite easily as quite a few service providers have come up on the back of popularity of Indian food. These caterers can be hired at a short notice for preparing meals for occasions where hundreds would be in attendance. These caterers usually have a select list of delicacies from which event organizers can choose. However, they may also be engaged to prepare dishes according to special family recipes. Vegetarian caterers are well aware of the restrictions on Indian vegetarian fare hence take much precaution at the time of preparing them.

Thanks to the growing migrant Indian population, Indian vegetarian dishes have gained much popularity. Vegetarian caterers are more than willing to comply with the demand and prepare delicacies for celebratory occasions. There are many caterers offering their services, Dips Food Limited being the best of among all these.


Most Indian celebratory occasions now see authentic Indian delicacies being served to guests, including vegetarian fare. Vegetarian catering is readily available for these occasions and they keep in line with dietary restrictions of the delicacies. Indian caterers offer a great selection of dishes, including those belonging to Rajasthan and Gujarat.